How To Get a Private Investigator License in Arizona


This article explains how to get a private investigator’s license in Arizona. It provides contact information for the state licensing authority and a list of the general requirements. In addition, it covers how to join an investigation association in the state and where to find training and education.

Arizona Private Investigator Licensing Requirements

State Licensing Authority

The Arizona Department of Public Safety, Licensing Unit is responsible for private investigator licensing in Arizona. Following is the contact information and link to the department’s website:

Arizona Department of Public Safety
Licensing Unit
PO Box 6328, MD 1160
Phoenix, AZ 85005
Phone: (602) 223-2361
Fax: (602) 223-2938

General Licensing Requirements

The following is general licensing information. Please visit the website for specific licensing information, application forms, insurance requirements, training and education, fees, and special licensing requirements.

  • Applicant must be at least 18 years old
  • Must be a citizen or legal resident
  • May not have any felony convictions
  • May not be under indictment for a felony
  • May not be a registered sex offender
  • May not be on parole or probation
  • In the last five years, there may be no misdemeanor convictions for violent acts, fraud, theft, domestic violence, sexual misconduct, or narcotics violations. This holds even if the sentence was set aside.
  • Has never been convicted of attempting to act as a PI without a license

For more information on getting a private investigator license in Arizona and getting your business set up, check out the Private Investigator’s Licensing Handbook, available at Amazon.

The Private Investigator’s Licensing Handbook: How to Get a Private Investigator License in any State
Considering a career as a private investigator? Dive into this book to explore services offered, learn about the work environment, career prospects, and salaries. Discover state-specific licensing requirements, training resources, and industry associations. Already a PI? Use it to learn about licensing in other states. Also, agencies can guide new hires through the licensing process. This edition includes enhanced training recommendations, suggestions for starting a new business chapter, and updated state info. It’s your essential starting point on the path to becoming a private investigator.

Arizona Private Investigator Associations

Once you are officially licensed, I recommend joining the Arizona Association of Licensed Private Investigators (AALPI). The association is a great resource for networking with other P.I.s, staying updated about industry issues, and gaining access to training and education opportunities.

The AALPI association website provides membership information, links to investigative information, conferences, and recent news. 

List of Investigation Agencies in the State

Once you have your license, visit our directory of private eyes and private investigation agencies to find employment. Contact each agency and ask if they have any open positions.

Training Resources

  • No additional training courses are required to get a private detective license in Arizona.
  • Training Resources – Improve your chances of getting licensed by completing a degree or certification program, training course, or home study course. Learn what options are available to get the investigative knowledge necessary to get licensed.

Questions and Comments

If you have any questions about how to get a private investigator license in Arizona, please post a message below.


  1. I’d like to pursue a career in PI, I live in Arizona & would just like some more info on how to go about this.

    Thank you!

  2. I currently have a Private Investigator’s license in California. If I move to Arizona and want to conduct business in that state, is the process to get a license in Arizona abbreviated at all or is it the same process as if I wasn’t licensed at all in California?


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