Background Checks and Searches

This category includes background checks and investigation resources for private investigators and police officers. In this section, you’ll find an overview of background checks and the types of information they contain. In addition, we’ll provide a list of reputable background check providers, a comprehensive list of research tools, and many other resources to help you check into people’s history.

In addition, you’ll find information on companies that provide background search and public records lookup tools.

BeenVerified background checks

BeenVerified Background and Public Records Search

This article is a review of BeenVerified, the online people search, background search, and public records research service. In this review, I'll provide a...
Background check

Background Check Databases and Services for Investigators

This article overviews background checks, investigations, and companies providing products and services. We'll also cover the different types of checks available and what's in...
Intelius Public Records Search

Intelius Public Records Search: Not Recommended

An Overview of Intelius Public Records Search Tool The Intelius Public Records search engine provides information about people, their histories, and their connections to other people,...
TruthFinder online public records search

TruthFinder People Search: Not as Good as BeenVerified

About TruthFinder People Search TruthFinder is a public records research service that uses algorithms and machine learning to search data sources and compile reports. For...
Spokeo public records search engine

Spokeo People Search for Online Investigations

An Overview of the Spokeo People Search Engine Spokeo, the People Search Engine, is an excellent search engine that aggregates information about people from different public records...
IRB Search

IRBSearch: Powerful Online Research Tools for Investigators

About IRBSearch In 2001, a group of private investigators with more than 50 years of experience founded IRBSearch to advance investigators' online search capabilities. Today,...
List of DMV Offices

List of Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Websites

Before we get to the list of DMV offices, let's talk about the DMV, which stands for the Department of Motor Vehicles. The Department...
Investigating social media accounts

Investigating Social Media Accounts and Profiles

What information can you gather by investigating social media accounts? Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to connect people with similar...

Criminal Records Database Search

What is a Criminal Record? A criminal record is an official account of a person's criminal history. A criminal records database search is most often used...

List of the Top Online Public Records Research Websites

What are Public Records? Public records refer to data and information filed or recorded by public agencies that are not considered confidential, meaning they are...
Vital Records Search

How to Find Vital Records: Techniques for Efficiently Locating Documents

What are vital records? Before you embark on a vital records search, it is essential to understand the term's meaning. Vital records are the official...
How to find property records online

How to Find Property Records and Real Estate Reports

Resources for Property Records Searches Property ownership records can be found through several methods, often varying by location due to different jurisdictions managing these records...

Reverse Address or Phone Number Search

What is a Reverse Search? A reverse search is used when you want to use one piece of information to find another related piece. For...
How to search the white pages

How to Search the White Pages to Find People

Learn How to Search the White Pages and Find People This article explains how you can search the white pages for a phone number or...

Nanny Check: Tips for Screening Caregivers

If you are considering hiring a nanny, babysitter, or another type of caregiver to support your children, there are several essential things to consider....